Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Blogmas Day 18

Mid-Week Rambles

Hey everyone, hope your week is going well so far, sorry for being a bit behind on the posts but with it being the last week of term things are a wee bit hectic.

But wow! I can't believe it is only ONE WEEK - 7 DAYS - till Christmas. This is insane. December is going so fast and I've never been so unprepared. Here's me giving you guys gift guides and I haven't even taken the inspiration to buy my prezzies.
I broke up from school today, finally, for the holidays which couldn't have come any sooner. My friend and I have planned our week before everyone else breaks up on Friday - today relax and watch films, Thursday - shop Oxford Street/Westfields, Friday - cinema and probably more shopping. Sounds like a pretty good week to me!

I've also decided, even though I hate it, I am going to start running eekk! Now I am probably one of the worst runners there is, I'm slow, loud and walk for 3/4 of it. So I have decided to recruit my running friend to train me. This is another big commitment, much like Blogmas, which I am determined to fulfil.  So during my future "Mid-Week Rambles" I'll update you on my progress, if there is any.

Advent Calender Day 14:
Ivory Queen

Day 15:
Glitter Twinkle Toes

Day 16:


Day 17:
Members Only

Day 18:
Tweed and Tails

*links on pics

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