Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Blogmas Day 17

Christmas Workout!!

Keep slim over the festive season with this all over body workout:

Rules: 50 reps of each exercise, in between each exercise 50 star jumps

Equipment: body bar/mat/5kg/6kg,big ball/step

image from google

C - cross leg press up (normal press up but with one leg resting on the other)

H - hammer curls

R - reverse crunch (legs at 90 degrees then raise bum)

I - inner thigh throw/catch squeeze with ball (place big ball between legs and squeeze legs together then apart)

S - step ups

T - tricep dips

M - med ball twists (or weight)

A - ab cycles

S - squat jumps (or static squat if too hard)

W - weighted side bends

O - overhead ball extension (big ball between legs, lower legs bring then up, grab ball left over head whilst lowering legs then bring everything up and transfer ball back to between legs)

R - rowing with body bar (or weight again, rowing technique rather than twist)

K - knees in and out (sit on floor legs out in front, lift feet off ground and bring knees into the chest then back out)

O - overhead body bar (or two weights) reverse lunge 

U - upright row

T - the plank (50 seconds on side, 50 seconds on front, 50 seconds on other side)

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