Friday, 4 April 2014

Worst Blogger of 2014

Hi everyone, so I just reached 250 followers on Bloglovin and I cannot thank you all enough. This is such a big milestone and I feel awful that I have been such a bad blogger this year. 

It has been a long time since I have written a post and it's down to a lack of motivation if I'm honest. I've not been in the mood to blog and felt like if I don't have anything interesting to say I just won't say anything at all. As a result I've gotten out of the swing of things and now have absolutely no routine or schedule for my blog whatsoever.

At the minute I'm not entirely sure where I want to go with my blog, whether I continue doing what I have been doing or narrow it down to just one topic like what I did when I started blogging.
All I know is I definitely want to carry on blogging as regularly as I can. 

I really am sorry to every one of you who has been reading my posts, commented, liked and/or followed me. It means so much to me and I really want to please you guys so you continue enjoying my blog as much as I enjoy writing.

Once again sorry for being such a rubbish blogger and thank you for helping me achieve a new goal!!

Lots of love x

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