Monday, 3 February 2014

How to: Stop Unhealthy Snacking

I am one of those bored bingers, i.e. when I am bored that's when I begin to eat and eat and eat and I don't realise it because I'm focusing on something like the tv.
If you're like me and do this or do it for other reasons (like emotional - I do it too) then my number 1 tip to help you banish this habit is...

Cut and Box

I want you every evening (or every other if you don't get through it all) fruits and vegetables that you can snack on during the day, then put them in boxes and stick 'em in the fridge.

The reason why I recommend you do this is because when you're hungry/bored/emotional/etc. instead of reaching for that chocolate bar or that bag of crisps you will reach for the cut up fruit or vegetables. Also because it is already cut up and fresh it means no time is wasted cutting and peeling so there is no way you can make any excuses.

I do this and have found I am reaching for carrots and apples more now rather than chocolate and biscuits which is pretty good for the weight loss situation.

So simple? Then why aren't you doing it!!

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