Monday, 4 November 2013

Glutes On Fire

For your glutes to have the ultimate workout keep reading because this post will have your legs and bum burning. 

So as always start off with a dynamic warm up.

Start with 10 squats then 10 squat jumps. Repeat sequence 5 times.

Next lie down with legs bent and go up onto your shoulders (i.e. in a bridge position) and squeeze your gluteus (i.e. your bum) 100% (as hard as you can) then release slightly and snap back to 100% (pelvic tilts). Do this for 1 minute. 

Then repeat step 2 with one leg straight in the air and with the other foot (which is on the ground) come onto your tippy-toes. Do for one minute then repeat on the other leg.

Stand up and do 20 one legged squats (leg to the side not in front). 
Then 20 one legged squats and lift the leg during the downward phase of the squat.
Finally do 20 squats and during the downward phase of the squat bring the leg across (in front) then back out. 
Repeat sequence on the other leg.

*Be sure to leave the leg out, don't let it touch the floor (until you switch legs obviously), it makes the workout more intense thus giving you quicker and better results

Finally repeat step 1 but repeat the sequence 10 times instead of 5.

Combine this with other toning exercises, some cardio or just do it by itself.

Finish with a static cool down and rest those legs!! ;)

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